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May 19, 2024Doctrine of Vocational Calling Sermon Quest Week 5 Micah 6 8

On Sunday, May 19, Adam Coppock will continue our sermon series on the Doctrine of Vocation with a message entitled: Justice & Calling from Micah 6:8.

SERMON IN A SENTENCE: God's people are called to walk in justice, kindness and humble faithfulness as values of Jesus's kingdom.


  1. Justice
  2. Kindness
  3. Humble Faithfulness


  1. What are ways you observe injustice in the world around you? How does it burden your heart?
  2. How have you experienced forms of injustice in your job?
  3. How have you seen the kindness of other believers be a part of walking out justice in a situation? 
  4. What are ways you can use your gifts, talents, resources, opportunities in this season of your life to "do justice" whether it's in the church, your community, job, city, etc? Get together with a friend this week to talk about ways to live our justice in your particular callings.