Sports Camp Registration

DSermon discussion questions can be used for personal devotions, family discussion, or for small group discussions.
 Link to the Doctrine of Vocation Sermon Series Resources

May 12, 20241

On Sunday, May 12, Adam Coppock will continue our sermon series on the Doctrine of Vocation with a message entitled: Discerning Your Calling from I Corinthians 2:1-16.

SERMON IN A SENTENCE: We discern our callings by walking in the wisdom of Christ as we have the mind of Christ now. 


  1. What are a few ways you feel like God has gifted you? How have others affirmed some of these things?
  2. What are some of your passions? Where are the places you have more interest in devoting your time and efforts? What are some passions that give you joy?
  3. What are places of need around you (in your community, city, church, work, etc) that lines up with some of the answers from questions 1 and 2?
  4. What are some places where God might be calling you to invest time that could be costly to you or of no financial gain for you?